Mundo Galp is the ultimate loyalty program for Galp stations, offering an array of benefits in the palm of your hand. Whether you're refueling, shopping in-store, or treating your car to a wash, you'll earn points that can be exchanged for discounts on fuel, products, and even gift cards from top brands like Amazon and MediaMarkt. But the perks don't stop there - invite your friends to save even more on fuel, enter exclusive draws for exciting prizes, and easily locate nearby stations with various amenities. Stay informed on the latest news and promotions with the app, where your every move is rewarded.
Features of Mundo Galp:
⭐ Loyalty Program Benefits: The app offers discounts on fuel, store purchases, and car washes, allowing users to save money on their everyday expenses.
⭐ Referral Program: Users can invite friends to join the app and earn up to €30 in fuel discounts, making it easy to spread the word and save even more.
⭐ Exclusive Draws: By participating in the app draws, users have the chance to win exciting prizes such as trips, festival tickets, smartphones, and more, adding an element of excitement to the loyalty program.
⭐ Convenient Station Services: With the app, users can easily find the nearest stations, plan their routes, and discover all the services available at each location, from cafeterias to Amazon lockers, making their refueling experience more convenient and enjoyable.
⭐ How do I earn points with the app?
Points can be accumulated through refueling, store purchases, and car washes at Galp stations.
⭐ How can I redeem my points for discounts?
Users can exchange their points for discounts on fuel, Galp products, and gift cards from partner companies such as Amazon, MediaMarkt, Decathlon, and Aladina.
⭐ Is the app free to join?
Yes, the app is completely free to join and offers a range of benefits and rewards for loyal customers.
With its range of attractive benefits, including discounts on fuel and store purchases, exclusive draws, and convenient station services, Mundo Galp offers users a convenient and rewarding way to save money while refueling. By joining the app, users can enjoy a range of benefits and rewards, making their refueling experience more enjoyable and cost-effective. Download the app today and start saving with every refueling.
Additional APP Information
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